In 2022, the KimoKawaii Anime Experience and Convention, produced by Silverback Events, redefined the anime convention experience by providing select attendees with the unique opportunity to participate in a voice-over session for a genuine anime production. This extraordinary event featured renowned celebrity voice-over guests, known for their iconic roles in the Dragon Ball Z universe, who lent their voices alongside our enthusiastic participants. It was an unforgettable weekend that culminated in the premiere of the inaugural episode during KimoKawaii 2023.
For those who couldn't attend the premiere in-person due to being out of town or other commitments, we have an exciting announcement. We are delighted to offer a complimentary virtual premiere exclusively for you! Join us for the premiere of Episode 1 of "Kushi & the Annunaki," produced by Silverback Events.
It's important to note that while we are personally funding these animated productions to provide unique opportunities that would otherwise not exist, the production costs have been substantial.
If you appreciate what we are doing and would like to support, sponsor, or donate toward the creation of Episode 2, you can do so by following this link here.
Your contributions will help us continue bringing exciting anime experiences to life!
Thank you for your support.